Monday, August 12, 2013

Divine Intervention - Saintly Intercession


(2013-03-02). Cavalier Books. Kindle Edition. 

Even though it is indeed prose, this little classic reads more like a ballad. I can't ever remember having read Belloc's "Joan of Arc" and reading it now proved most thought provoking for me. It unleashed a whole series of reflections about God's intervening in our life and times. Belloc got me wondering about the role the saints play in our lives. I am sure it had more than something to do with the way Belloc described the voices of the saints who prompted St. Joan of Arc to action.

Why were certain victories and the coronation of the king of France at Rheims her well circumscribed mission as intimated to her by the saints? Why was not total victory her destiny? Why were her enemies almost vindicated and her successes almost in vain? Certainly, the Maid of Orleans appears the protagonist from beginning to end, but why her vulnerability, almost tragic-comic at times and heart-wrenching to the end? Is hers really a story "this far and no further"? 

In all honestly, I guess, a person should answer, "Well, I really don't know." We can certainly say, reflecting on St. Joan of Arc, that through the intercession of His saints and the cooperation of a young woman the Lord worked marvels: He is indeed the Lord of history. But I cannot help wondering just how that is supposed to play out today. What is the longing of upright hearts today (as opposed to the longing in her day that France should have its rightful king and triumph with Christ)?

I'm sure Belloc could not have answered that question, but maybe it is enough to set off a longing in hearts, to make ears attentive to the voices ready to encourage and empower today for the sake of Christ's Kingship.


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